Men's Fellowship
Men are encouraged to come out to Family Ties Restaurant for good food and a great time together!
221 Main Road
Tiverton, RI 02878
Church Social
Our church Socials happen every third Sunday of the month. The next potluck will be on Sunday, August 18. Immediately after service, we’ll be gathering for food and fellowship at Rosinski Hall. All are encouraged to bring a dish to share.
Young Adults Campfire
At the church, young adults will be having a campfire, enjoying food, yard games, and time together.
Church Work Day
We are calling all who are willing and able to join us for a church work day. There are things inside and outside the church building that we’d like to clean up and take care of. Lunch will be provided to all who come out and help us keep God’s house beautiful.
VBS Night 3
KGF is hosting a Vacation Bible School for kids! The theme is “Winner’s Circle” and children will be learning all about finding victory with God, His Word, and His people. There will be snacks, games, crafts, Bible lessons, and worship.